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Cutting the ribbon at the opening

Getzner Textil builds maternity ward in Mali

Getzner Textil builds maternity ward in Mali

With the expansion of the health centre CSCOM (Centre de Santé Communautaire) by a maternity ward in Bamako, the capital of Mali, thousands of people gain access to faster and safer health care. Women and children in particular benefit from this.

Medical care for all people

"For over 40 years, Getzner Textil and West Africa have been connected through our damask. A relationship that goes far beyond fabric and is very valuable to us. In cooperation with the Children's Fund Eine Welt e.V., we were able to open another maternity ward this spring. The expansion of the health centre not only enables efficient medical care for everyone, but also ensures vital care for around 10,000 pregnant women and newborn children," Roland Comploj, CEO of Getzner Textil, is pleased about the investment of over 50,000 euros.

Improvement on several levels

Until now, necessary examinations and treatments for pregnant patients could not be offered every day due to a lack of capacity. There was neither a separate maternity ward nor a spatially separated area for women in labour or in the puerperium. Thanks to the new maternity ward with eight rooms - including a delivery room, examination and rest rooms as well as a monitoring room - at least 120 patients can receive specialist care every month. The installation of a new solar system not only powers the lighting, but also the pump for the drinking water. And the construction of toilets improves the hygienic conditions of the maternity ward. Another important step towards sustainable and reliable health care are workshops in which know-how on health topics and management was and is imparted.

Joint investment in the future

"Business relationships that began over 40 years ago have developed into friendships over the years. Mali and its people have occupied a large part of my heart. It is therefore very important to Getzner and also to me personally to give something back in this way. The maternity ward is a joint investment in the future," says Tobias König, Head of the Africa Business Unit.

Video on the right: Regional African television stations also reported on the new maternity ward.

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